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Global Fault Line

March 16, 2007

Strategies For Ruling The Office

  1. Confront Your Foes-Remember lessons about the schoolyard bully? Approach him when his guard is down or when he's alone. He'll back off.
  2. Recruit Allies-People who play office politics worry where they stand. If they have beneficial skills, bring them into your personal fold.
  3. Ignore it and Sit back-Do your job and let managers deal with the chatter. Career coach Mel Robbins recommends, "You'll win by being bigger than it".
  4. Keep it professional at all times.
  5. Play the game being played, not the one you want or think should be played.
  6. Don't make enemies. Don't burn bridges.
  7. Don't whine and complain.
  8. Don't intimidate superiors. Try to avoid going over your superior's head.
  9. Don't make others look bad.
  10. Don't criticize employees or bosses.
  11. Couch criticism in terms of employer's interests, not personal.
  12. Help others get what they want.
  13. Establish affiliations of mutual advantage with important people.
  14. Find common ground with others.
  15. Don't discuss personal problems.
  16. Selectively self-disclose.
  17. Don't assume anything will stay secret.
  18. Create win/win solutions.
  19. Keep employer's perspective in mind.
  20. Cultivate a positive, simple, accurate image.
  21. Force yourself to do difficult, uncomfortable or scary things.
  22. Be pleasant. Laugh and smile.
  23. Be assertive and tough when required, not aggressive.
  24. Don't oversell. Be natural. Develop your own style.


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